
Our goal is simple; consistently provide quality on-time services always delivered with care and security in mind with a team totally committed to your satisfaction.

Top-to-Bottom Cleaning

Cleaning is a never-ending process, and if you’re like most people, you don’t have any extra time to do it right. When you need a thorough house cleaning, the team members at Dust to Dazzle Maids will never let you down.

Recurring Cleaning

Life is too short to spend your time wiping down every nook and cranny of your home. And as soon as you finish one chore, another one always seems to pop up. A professional cleaning company tackles all the jobs you don’t want to do.

Move-In & Move-Out Cleaning

Is your current house even clean enough for the next occupant? You also don’t want to unpack your valuables in a dirty home. Fortunately, you can count on Dust to Dazzle Maids to tidy up both your old house and your new home.

Office Cleaning

It’s usually up to the homeowner—not the construction company—to handle the aftermath of a renovation. Even though this an intensive job, it’s no match for the cleaning techs at Dust to Dazzle Maids.